Softwood Timber White Wood 2" x 4" x 5ft (1.5" x 4" x 5ft) Approx

AED 21.00
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Softwood Timber White Wood 2" x 4" x 5ft

Over-sized Item - Delivery time may vary

Note: The dimensions of this piece of wood differ from its actual measurement.
Most timber is milled and planned to give it a little more of a finished look, and a little more of a consistent size and profile. Because of this extra milling, a 2"x4" no longer measures a full 2 inches by 4 inches. Instead, a 2"x4" is really only 1-1/2"" by 4" .

The averageåÊmeasurement of this item is 1.5" x 4"åÊinches oråÊ35x80 mm.åÊ
Model Name Softwood
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